What does it take to put on your own show in an alternative space: Small Experiments in colour

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

The show is up, thank you Barbara Beyer for your help, and the posters are delivered and now laminated so I'm off for a walk around the locality to cable tie them on to railings, and visit local places I can ask to display them: So how did it get there...well Barbara had had a show in this space and when I went to her private view she asked me if I'd like to show there too, and introduced me to Marianne who is the art coordinator, so first of all it was a personal contact....

Then I got into discussions about when with Marianne, so I sent her a link to my website which she liked.  And because I had a body of small works ready to go I was able to go from first proposal to putting it up in about two weeks, she initially had suggested when I was away in Malaga which I couldn't do and then someone else dropped out....so then it has been very busy.  First step: choose the works which will go together in a coherent collection and fit with the space: Well I have been experimenting with these pigments and had a group of work which did that job because I have been working on them for about a year, and only a few have been shown before at the Talented Art Fair.  So then I wrote the artist statement....

And then there was the process of selecting exactly which pieces,   it was fantastic to have another eye to look over with me, Barbara again...

Then it was a question of grouping them and framing them to form groups, which involved a trip down to town to pick up some frames, and a dig in some cupboard to use some frames I already had...
and a trip to the woods and the cafe to remind myself of the lay out and take measurements to be sure that they will fit, and make a plan of the wall hang

 and take some random tree photos

 Then pack up the ones I am planning to take plus the all important tool box

Once the work was in place change the hang plan of course, and regroup work to fit the space and the fittings that were meant to have been removed by the last person, but haven't been.  Design the poster

With lots of help from Barbara who is very skilled in tying knots in fishing wire amongst other things hang the work.
Now that the actual work is hung and definitive create a price list and 

 Get the posters delivered a second time because I was at the set up when they tried to deliver them the first time.

Then send out invites, post on instagram and twitter, realise I have not changed my twitter settings only when someone messages me to say they can't be retweeted, struggle with resetting them, get my car broken into in the middle of this and have to spend time talking to the Police. Finally get my twitter setting public again. 

Realise that the laminator I ordered has not been delivered, check the order and realise Amazon has not sent it because in the order there is something for which the price has changed by 1p and down, so I have to reconfirm the order.  

Put up posters in the dryness of the cafe.  Wait til Monday for the Laminator, and now that the posters are laminated and the weather is beautiful it is time for a walk with some tags and I'll get those posters up.  The private view is Friday 16th, if you'd like to come please email sarahneedham@artfromlondonmarkets.com by the 14th so that I have time to get enough glasses together for the wine!

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