Lost Girl
I have been working and reworking, adding and taking away from this surface to achieve the perfect combination of matt vs shine. Creating a vast space to be lost in and a darkness which contains moments of light.
I am still working within the frame work of Padma's dementia and how some of her feeling of lostness relate to her place in twenty first century Britain. How the longing she feels for Sri Lanka is nuanced and bound with her longing for her proir more complete and certainly more independent former self. It interests me that the blocks of memory she misses are from her least independent self. She remembers with joy coming here as a nurse on a great adventure in the 1950s. She does not remember coming with her children to Scotland to join her husband for his studies. Her most joyous memories, when she achieves them are those of herself at her most independent or rebellious, including as the child standing up to the colonial teachers in her school.
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