Preparations for an Art Fair and a Sheep Fair #rpaf @royspeople @royspeopleartfair

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Between September 14-17 I will be taking part in Roy's People Art Fair in Islington and on October 8th the Corby Glen Sheep Fair: From urban Art Fair to rural Sheep Fair.   At the sheep fair I will be recruiting people to join in with my Corby Glen project collecting oral histories, and will have a screen showing of "Corby Glen Walk" a series of local photographs in the Willoughby Gallery on the Sunday and I will be asking people to sign up to share their memories of the way in which agricultural trade has impacted on their lives.

At Roy's People Art Fair I will be showing some of the work that I have produced in the last year engaged with evocative abstract spaces.  I have been working on a new piece combining earth pigments; ochres and their artificial antecedents Mars Red in combination with poisonous Cadmium Red. Mixing rust colours with poison feels apt in the current global political climate. Naturally occurring earth pigments produced by iron deposits in the soil are the oldest pigments used by people for mark making along with charcoal. I combine them with industrial revolution colours, mars red an artificial red ochre, viridian an artificial green initially produced for ceramics (to colour earth), and cadmium red a poison  I will be showing "Mars Red" so long as it is fully dry, and the other works I will be selecting from can be found by clicking this link, if you like, let me know which ones you'd like to see the most of all. l

Mars Red
Hand mixed oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2017

My profile for Roy's People Art Fair can be found by clicking this link: