Getting ready for the Talented Art Fair @TalentedArtFair #talentedartfair

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

So one month to go and the lovely people at Talented send out logos to design your own publicity to add to theirs.  I have to say that doing this increased my screen time beyond my boundaries and I made a few options before settling on these two

This is one of the earlier editions, but it was a question of getting the balance of colours right

So a bit of graphic design, I also ordered some new cards from Moo, who do great quality but are a bit pricey and designed and ordered a booklet for my stall.  Next I need to buy and print price labels, and order a small selection of giclee prints for a set of cheaper limited edition prints for the stall to go in my little browser manger and also to allow me the opportunity to show a bit more work than I have space for. Getting there!

Social Media, lifting the fog.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

So on the first blue sky day in ages I am going to write about restricted views and blurred visions, and the effect of clearing those visions time to time.

This new year  I had planned to reduce my social media participation because sometimes I waste chunks of time on stupidagini, and while I will continue to be engaged in what is going on in the world it would be easy to get sucked in to every post, and that is neither necessary or particularly healthy.  Over Christmas I had a total media detox, switched it all off, and it was good.  So from now on I am going to limit myself to 30mins a day internet use. Non-transferrable (ie just cos I didn't go on on Monday does not mean I go on on Tuesday for an hour).  I think it will help me to concentrate on using it properly when online , and leave more time to do the things I really want/need to be doing.  Lift the smog a bit.

Then there are the unexpected effects of sharing a work in progress on social media.I have been sharing the process of the yellow and green piece on instagram and it makes me nervous, I feel more worried than usual about making mistakes, and experimenting. I guess I had not really considered how much the likes and comments impact on me, I am quite surprised but it is another reason to limit use.  So I think while I might record images of a work as it progresses,  but I won’t post until it is finished.

Preparing for Talented Art Fair and since the last post I have been busy applying for teaching jobs, and it looks like from after half term I will be supply teaching so I will have less time so it needs to be more concentrated time.